A Portrait Approach to General Photography
With Bob Gibson and Jeri Knudson, Blue Water Photography
Monday, August 3, 2020 at 7:00 pm
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Using the elements of a successful portrait as the foundation, Jeri and Bob will present ideas on bringing emotion and impact to your other areas of photography. The discussion will include lighting, composition and camera angle. The participants will be challenged to identify and isolate the subject of the photograph. Photographs can be an answer. The photographer should have the question.
Jeri and Bob are currently full-time professional photographers in Lincoln City, Oregon. Photography is a second career for both of them. They both worked in public administration and human resources prior to starting their photography studio in 2005.
Both Jeri and Bob are members of the Professional Photographers of America and the Oregon Professional Photographers Association. Jeri and Bob are both Certified Professional Photographers (CPP) through the Professional Photographers of America.
The Photography Studio, Lincoln City is a full-service studio located on Highway 101 in Lincoln City. They provide photography services including family portraits, executive portraits, studio portraits, weddings and family reunions. The commercial side of their business includes architectural photography and product photography. They have clients in the local art community. Their studio includes a gallery of their landscape, seascape and garden photography.
Working behind the camera is their passion. Jeri and Bob also share their knowledge and experience in private and group classes. Their breadth of experience provides a comprehensive foundation on which to base their instruction. Both photographers enjoy watching their students’ progress and master the art of photography.