Our Monday, October 3, 2022 meeting will be an opportunity to shape the programs for the 2022–2023 photo year.
YAAP’s mission is to promote sharing and learning so we can all grow as photographers, regardless of our experience level. Knowing what you want to learn or what you can share will help the program committee plan meetings that make every moment on Zoom count. Please come prepared with ideas for what would you like to learn or what subject you think would inspire you as an image maker.
We also would like your input about the mentor program, field trips and any other subjects that you would like to discuss.
Your input will help us shape the direction for our group.
Monday, October 3, 2022
Meeting start time: 7pm (Zoom conferencing line opens approximately 15 minutes before start time)
To join the meeting, click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/74909264555