For our October 7 meeting, we will learn more about Astrophotography from local photographer Jeremy Likness.
Jeremy Likness is a Newport resident, artist, and software engineer who works remotely for a large software company based out of Redmond, Washington. In 2020, he bought a telescope with a built-in camera and immediately became hooked on astrophotography. While waiting for hardware during the backlogged pandemic, he borrowed his wife’s camera to practice taking photos until the astrophotography cameras and telescopes arrived. He learned how to capture the night sky both with and without a tripod, star-tracker, and/or telescope. Since then he’s been sneaking out in the middle of night to capture meteors, moon phases, galaxies and comets up and down the Oregon coast. He also captures deep space images from the top of his garage in Newport and because the night is too short, he purchased a solar scope for daytime imaging as well. You can browse his searchable photo album online at
Monday, October 7, 2024
Meeting start time: 7pm (Zoom conferencing line opens approximately 15 minutes before start time)
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