For our Monday, July 17 meeting, we will share our images showing “symbols” of summer. These might include fireworks, beach scenes, fairs and celebrations, visiting summer migratory birds, or other uniquely summer activities.
Monday, July 17, 2023
Meeting start time: 7pm (Zoom conferencing line opens approximately 15 minutes before start time)
To join the meeting, click this link:
You may submit up to four images using our usual file sizing and a modified naming convention:
File Size
All of the following size requirements must be met:
- Horizontal dimension maximum: 1400 pixels*
- Vertical dimension maximum: 1050 pixels*
- File size maximum: 2 Mb
* including any borders and key lines.
File Name
FirstnameLastname_#_Title (with # equal to the order in which you want your images displayed)
Send to by end of day Saturday, July 15.