This is an evening for us to share our night/long exposure or portrait images with critique by members but without scoring by judges. 

Monday, September 7, 2020 at 7:00 pm


Any member can submit up to two images or either nighttime shots or portraits in any combination.

If members submit more than one image, they should rank them in the order they wish them to be discussed.  The plan is to start with the first ranked images, then proceed to the next rank and so forth until we run out of time or images.

Follow the usual size guidelines, up to 1400 pixels horizontally, up to 1050 pixels vertically and a maximum file size of 2MB.  Use the normal naming convention but append the ranking number to the end, for example: YourName_YAAP_ImageName_1.jpg

Submit images to as usual.  The due date is Sunday September 6, 2020.

IMAGES FOR THIS DISCUSSION SHOULD BE NIGHTTIME OR PORTRAIT* THEMED.  You may submit nighttime or portrait images or a mixture of both.

It is probably not advisable to submit images that you might later plan to submit for judging in upcoming MONTHLY EID contests.  Your images may lose a significant amount of impact if they have been seen and discussed by those judging the contest.  However, this would be a great opportunity to get feedback on images that you are considering for submission to the QUARTERLY EIDs, which will not be judged by your fellow club members.  This is also an opportunity to get feedback on images or techniques that you might be having difficulty with.
* by portrait we mean an actual portrait, not portrait orientation.

Critiquing Session – Night/Long Exposure or Portrait Images