Monthly EID Guidelines
Monthly club Electronic Image Division (EID) competitions are held from September through April. The club EID Chair sends the top six Traditional images and the top four combined Monochrome and/or Altered Reality images to 4C’s Monthly EID Chairs for regional judging, held from October through May. The competitions are conducted in accordance with the process and restrictions provided in the 4C’s “Gold Book” (March 2023) at
All images are scored by our panel of trained judges, scoring using the criteria set by our club. Judges also provide critiques of the images at our meetings to help photographers improve their craft. If you wish to have your images scored but not critiqued, please let me know. Also, if you’d like your images for feedback only but not scored, let me know. This allows members to receive constructive comments on images they may wish to use in the future for competition and to help in developing their photographic arts and skills.
The judging for competitive images will be conducted prior to the normal YAAP MEID review meeting. At the meeting, judges will provide critique on the scored images and comments on non-scored images in composition and technique.
Competition Guidelines
YAAP members may submit up to two (2) images total. One must be the Traditional type. The other image may be either Monochrome, or Altered Reality. It is the members responsibility to specify the image type.
Non-scored images
If you wish to enter images for comment only, but not for competition, please state this when you submit them. You can mark them as non-scored by entering an N at the end of the image name. You can also submit images for scoring only, no critique. Please indicate that in your email when you send the images to the EID chair.
Image Type and Designation
There are three image types:
Traditional, designated by the letter T, which will encompass the majority of photographs.
Monochrome, designated by the letter M, which includes black and white and monochrome toned photographs (for example, sepia).
Altered Reality, designated by the letter A, which depicts photographic subjects in a substantial departure from realism. For guidance on this type, refer to the 4Cs “Gold Book” at (navigate to the Gold Book folder in the document list for the most current version).
Submission Email Address
Submit images to the EID Chair at yaapeid(at)
File Format
Images must be in JPEG (jpg) format without any visible signature or watermark. It is recommended (but not required) that they be in the sRGB color space. Avoid using the Prophoto RGB, which projects with vastly distorted color tones, according to a 4Cs EID chair.
File Size
All of the following size requirements must be met:
- Horizontal dimension maximum: 1920 pixels*
- Vertical dimension maximum: 1080 pixels*
* including any borders and key lines.
File Name
FirstnameLastname_YAAP_TitleName_ImageType.jpg or Firstname Lastname_YAAP_Title Name_ImageType.jpg (where the image type is denoted by a single capital letter: T for traditional, M for Monochrome, A for Altered Reality, N for non-competition)
Blanks are permitted in the maker’s name and image title. No other characters are permitted. That means no apostrophes, exclamation points, question marks or commas. Just blanks.
Examples of proper file names:
JohnDoe_YAAP_PrettyFlower_T.jpg John Doe_YAAP_Pretty Flower_T.jpg
EllenDoe_YAAP_MonochromeFlower_M.jpg Ellen Doe_YAAP_Monochrome Flower_M.jpg
RachelDoe_YAAP_AlteredFlower_A Rachel Doe_YAAP_Altered Flower_A
For non-competition images only
LarryDoe_YAAP_FarmHouse_N.jpg Larry Doe_YAAP_Farm House_N.jpg
Use underscores ONLY to separate your name, the club’s initials, the image name, and the image type. The file format must be carefully adhered to since images sent to the 4Cs are processed in part by a program that reads the file name.
Contact our YAAP EID Chair at yaapeid(at)