YAAP invites its members to submit images for the upcoming monthly EID competition.
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
All images are scored by our panel of trained judges, scoring using the criteria set by our club. Judges also provide critiques of the images at our meetings to help photographers improve their craft. If you wish to have your images scored but not critiqued, please let me know. Also, if you’d like your images for feedback only but not scored, let me know. This allows members to receive constructive comments on images they may wish to use in the future for competition and to help in developing their photographic arts and skills.
The judging for competitive images will be conducted prior to the normal YAAP meeting on November 18, 2024. At the meeting, judges will provide critique on the scored images and comments on non-scored images in composition and technique.
Competition Guidelines
YAAP members may submit up to two (2) images total. One must be theTraditional type. The other image may be either Monochrome, or Altered Reality. It is the members responsibility to specify the image type.
Non-scored images
If you wish to enter images for comment only, but not for competition, please state this when you submit them. You can mark them as non-scored by entering an N at the end of the image name. You can also submit images for scoring only, no critique. Please indicate that in your email when you send the images to the EID chair.
Please submit your EID image(s) before or on the above referenced deadline date to yaapeid@gmail.com.
For additional information about image formatting and file naming for the YAAP Monthly EID competition, please refer to our Monthly EID guidelines page.