The theme for photo sharing at the 21 June YAAP meeting is Birds: Barnyard, Backyard and Beyond. Show us your favorite bird photos from either close to home or from more exotic locations. They can be great or small, wild or domestic, common or rare, and perching, eating, flying, flocking or anything else that birds do (laying eggs???). Challenge yourself to do something fresh and different. (Dave will, of course, probably show us an egg.)
Monday, June 21, 2021
7:00 pm
Zoom link:
(meeting link opens at approximately 6:30pm)
Submit up to three photos, using the usual naming conventions, to by Friday, June 18.
You can send color or monochrome images. To help us in arranging the images received, please label your filenames using this convention:
* FirstnameLastname_TitleName_sequence number.jpg)
* LisaLee_Pretty Bird.jpg
* JohnDoe_Flying off the cliff_2.jpg
* AlfonsoLinguine_Somber Sunset_3.jpg
File Size: As a reminder, the following size requirements must be met:
- Horizontal dimension maximum: 1400 pixels*
- Vertical dimension maximum: 1050 pixels*
- File size maximum: 2 Mb
* including any borders and key lines.
Thanks for your participation!